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GDPR Privacy Notice

EU General Data Protection Regulation Privacy Notice For 十大菠菜台子 – 写作中心 

This Privacy Notice applies to 十大菠菜台子’s 写作中心 并旨在遵守欧盟(“欧盟”)《十大菠菜台子》(“GDPR”)。. 本隐私声明适用于十大菠菜台子收集或处理的关于个人(“数据主体”)的个人数据,而数据主体位于欧盟, 无论数据主体是欧盟国家的公民还是永久居民. “个人资料”指与已识别或可识别的资料当事人有关的任何资料.

Lawful Basis or Bases for Collecting and Processing Personal Data

十大菠菜台子是一所提供本科课程的高等教育机构, graduate and continuing education students, conducts academic and sponsored research, and participates in various community engagement activities. 的 写作中心 collects, processes and uses Personal Data to 安排写作约会支持,并决定必要的编程和编程的日程安排 on behalf of 十大菠菜台子.

十大菠菜台子’s and the 写作中心收集和处理个人资料的合法依据包括:

  • 处理是十大菠菜台子或第三方在提供时所追求的合法利益所必需的  写作的支持.
  • 资料当事人已同意为一个或多个特定目的处理他或她的个人资料. In the case of a Data Subject who is under 16 years of age, 同意必须由资料当事人的父母或法定监护人给予或授权.
  • 处理是为了公共利益而执行任务所必需的.

Types of Personal Data Collected/Processed and Purpose

写作中心 collects the following categories of Personal Data in order to provide the timely 写作中心 services based upon campus writer’s needs:

  • 名字
  • Contact information including, 但不限于, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, and other location data

的 Personal Data that the 写作中心 collects may be shared with other campus administrators and faculty as necessary.

如果您对收集和使用您的个人资料有特别的疑问, 请联系博士. Sherry Wynn Perdue, Director, (电子邮件保护).

如果资料当事人拒绝提供十大菠菜台子要求的与十大菠菜台子收集该等个人资料的一个或多个合法依据有关的个人资料, 这种拒绝可能会使十大菠菜台子无法提供教育, 就业, research or other requested services.

Where 十大菠菜台子 gets Personal and Sensitive Personal Data

十大菠菜台子从多个来源接收个人和敏感的个人数据. 最常, 十大菠菜台子直接从数据主体那里获得这些数据,或者在数据主体的指导下,数据主体将其提供给第三方(例如, 通过通用应用程序申请十大菠菜台子本科入学).

Individual Rights of the Data Subject under the GDPR

除有权接收本隐私声明中提供的信息外, Data Subjects covered by this Privacy Notice have the right to:

  • 十大菠菜台子要求访问、更正或删除个人数据或限制对数据主体的处理, 反对处理和携带个人数据的权利;
  • Where processing is based upon consent, to withdraw consent at any time, 在不影响十大菠菜台子在撤销个人数据之前基于同意处理个人数据的权利的情况下;
  • 向欧盟成员国为接收投诉而指定的监管机构提出投诉的权利;
  •  关于存在自动决策的附加通知,包括分析; 
  • 如果个人资料将被进一步处理,而不是用于收集个人资料的目的, then notice of the purpose and basis or bases for the further processing;
  • 如果收集个人资料是为了十大菠菜台子的合法利益或为了公共利益而执行的任务, then the Data Subject has the right to object, on the grounds of his or her particular situation, 处理有关他或她的个人资料(包括分析);
  • Where Personal Data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the right to object at any time to processing Personal Data concerning him or her for such marketing; and
  • Not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or similarly significantly affects him or her; provided, 然而, 这一权利不适用,如果决定是(a)必须进入, 或者是, a contract between the Data Subject and 十大菠菜台子; or (b) is based upon the Data Subject’s consent.


任何资料当事人如欲行使上述任何权利,可向 Dr. Sherry Wynn Perdue, Director, (电子邮件保护).


cookie是许多网站传输到用户网络浏览器的文件,以使网站能够提供个性化服务或提供持久身份验证. cookie中包含的信息通常包括web服务器自动收集的信息和/或用户自愿提供的信息. 十大菠菜台子的网站与第三方技术合作伙伴一起使用持久的cookie来分析搜索引擎的使用情况和网络流量模式. This information is used in the aggregate to monitor and enhance our web 页面s. It is not used to track the usage patterns of individual users.

Security of Personal Data subject to the EU GDPR

十大菠菜台子在GDPR范围内收集或处理的所有个人数据和敏感个人数据必须符合十大菠菜台子GDPR中规定的安全控制和系统以及流程要求和标准 Administrative Policies and Procedures as they are amended from time-to-time, including 但不限于:

  • 政策没有. 830
  • 政策没有. 850
  • 政策没有. 860
  • 政策没有. 870
  • 政策没有. 880
  • 政策没有. 890


  • as necessary to meet one of its lawful purposes, including but not limited to, its legitimate interest, contract compliance, pursuant to consent provided by the Data Subject, or as required by law;
  • as necessary to protect 十大菠菜台子’s interests;
  • 代表十大菠菜台子的服务提供商同意保护个人数据的机密性.


十大菠菜台子在其记录保留和处理政策中规定的时间段内保存记录, Administrative Policy 481, 位于 Administrative Policies and Procedures 页面.

的 写作中心

Joan Rosen Writing Studio
Rochester , MI 48309-4479
(248) 370-3120

Summer 2024 Schedule
Tuesday-Thursday by appointment.